I went to the doctor this afternoon to get a physical.
The major concern…I’m overweight! I got on that scale and I almost died! I couldn’t believe my eyes! Was the scale broken? Would it help if I took off all my clothes? I knew the numbers flashing at me were correct…after all, it was a digital scale. OMG! Is that really how much I weigh? How could I have let this happen to me?!!!
I’ve been under a lot of stress lately and have a tendency of eating when I’m stressed even when I’m not hungry. I know this is bad but I still do it! Why? I have no idea.
My brain talks to me and tries to reason with me. It even tries to put some fear in me but my mouth and stomach tell me a different story. It’s like the angel and the devil on my shoulders.
The Angel: “No, don’t eat it. You’re just doing it because you’re stressed. Walk away, you don’t need it!”
The Devil whispering in my ear: “Doesn’t it look good? I bet it tastes soooo good. Come on, I know you want to try it. Just take one bite that’s all. Mmmm…just one bite… go on, it’s not going to hurt you.”
So guess who wins? I keep thinking to myself, “No, I don’t need it, I shouldn’t.” as I take a bite. “No, I must stop,” as I continue to take another. And the next thing I know, I’m eating away. My problem…I can’t just have one bite. The minute I have a taste (especially if it’s good), I can’t seem to stop myself. I keep going… and going… like the energizer bunny.
As I’m speaking with my doc, I tell her, “I have no will power, and I’m starting to consider taking diet pills or… and before I even finished my sentence she turns to me says, “It might seem like an easy way to do it, but there is no easy way. Best thing to do is exercise and follow it with good well-balanced meals.”
My doctor asked me, “How much weight would like to lose?” I wanted to say 60 pounds but only thought to myself. Of course, I had to be more realistic. “I would definitely like to lose between 30-40 lbs.” She looked at me and said, “You can do it.” “Just cut back on the breads and pastas. Reduce your sugar intake and avoid drinking sweet juices or sodas and I assure you, if you do, you will lose those pounds!”
Sounds easy, right? Yeah, right! It’s going to be tough not eating what I love…mmmmmm breads, muffins, bagels, sweet rolls and donuts! How can I fight the temptation and say “no” to them. Especially, when at work there is always someone bringing them in the morning. When someone offers me a muffin or donut (even if my mind is yelling out “No, don’t take it!”), my hand immediately goes for the muffin…I just can’t seem to refuse!
I have to put my foot down!
I’m setting a goal for myself to losing 40 pounds within the next 6-8 months;
I will make an effort to walk more (at least 30 minutes a day);
I will exercise at least three times a week (at least an hour of exercise); and
I will try to reduce my food intake and avoid the fatty and fast foods.
I know it’s going to be a great challenge… let’s see how and if… I CAN DO THIS!!!
And it begins right here… right now…with me getting off this computer and getting my BIG BUTT off this chair!