Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Two weeks ago, we went out of town to go see my husband’s softball team play for the State Tournament. Those girls did a great job playing against the top three best teams of the state. The teams that our girls faced were tough to play against. The last day, our girls played a double header against last year’s State champions. They gave the first place team a tough fight. They won the first game but ended up losing the second game.

The weather had been extremely hot and humid. Every day, we went to watch the girls play and, I’m not kidding, by the time the game was over, everyone was drenched in sweat. We had to keep drinking lots of water and putting cold wet towels on our necks to keep cool. It was horrible! I’m surprised at how the girls managed to play in those conditions. Thank God there were no incidents because it was unbelievably hot! The good thing about this is that I think I might have lost a few pounds. Yay!

It was a great experience to watch our girls work hard and play hard. They’ve truly come a long way! Unfortunately, during the course of this event, there was too much drama going on which I cannot speak about. But because of this, in some way or another, this may have caused their relationship/friendship to be affected, and I'm talking about the adults! It’s too bad that things like this have to happen on such a special and important event. Hopefully, people can get past this…!

But other than that I’m very proud of our girls! They’ve been working all year and finally their efforts paid off! And now that they had a little taste of it, they are already looking forward to next year!

I had not planned on going. Expecially because I did not have anyone to watch my pets. But my hubby convinced me to go since my boss had given me the Monday off. It would be a nice mini-vacation. We dropped our pets to the vet and had them spend the weekend there. Little did I know that I was going to spend more days than I intended to. We left Friday after work and came home Wednesday late afternoon. I went back to work on Thursday. I had to call my boss to let him know I was taking two extra days and I’m sure he wasn’t too happy about it. But things worked out o.k.

When we got home, it was like a sauna. And, we found the freezer door to our fridge open and all the meats that we had just bought a few days before we left were defrosted and spoiled! It was so nasty…water everywhere not to mention the smell!!!

Oh, it’s good to be home!

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