Friday, September 29, 2006

15 years ago today...


This morning, I got out of bed a little earlier than usual.  I went to the kitchen and prepared a fresh pot of coffee and began cooking a hot breakfast.   Once the coffee was ready, I filled his cup and set the card next to it.  

I called out to him.  “Babe!  Come down, your coffee is ready!”  When he walked into the kitchen, he had a big grin on his face.  “Wow!  You got up early and made me breakfast!?”  He saw the card and instantly knew he had forgotten!  “What’s this?”  “Ah, don’t tell me… it’s not my birthday so….it’s our anniversary?!”  

He took off his wedding band which has our wedding date engraved (so he will never forget -- but apparently it’s been useless!).  “Oh, babe!”   “I thought it was tomorrow”

After 15 years, it doesn’t surprise me.  In fact, I didn’t mind at all that he had forgotten.  I should be used to it by now.  Is not to say that he always forgets.  He remembers most of the time.  When he actually manages to remember an important date, he’ll pretend he didn’t and ends up surprising me later in the day.  At other times, when he really does forget, he manages to surprise me with something or we end up doing something the next day or by the weekend.   Today, I was just happy that he gave me a ride to the train station so I wouldn’t get to work late!

As I rode on the train, I kept thinking to myself, OMG!  I can’t believe I’ve been married for 15 years!  How time flies!  I can honestly say it doesn’t seem this long.  And to think people thought we wouldn’t last a year!  Ha!  

How did we do it?  I don’t know.

Married life is not easy.  It’s more work than we’ll ever know.  There’s more to marriage than just love.  We’ve had some good times and bad.  All I kept thinking was that aside from love, I guess the trick to a long lasting marriage is working together and compromising.  Both of us have to be on the “same page” so to speak.  Even with our “huge” differences, we can still find our middle ground.     Marriage is a partnership.

It’s been a bumpy road but we’re still standing.  I hope to have many more good years to come!  

Happy Anniversary!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

son knows best...

My hubby and son were at the dinner table talking when my hubby suddenly says, “Oh shit! I just scratched the table.” He stops playing with his fork and looks at my son and says to him, “Do you realize that I’ve had this table since I was married to my second wife. It was one of the things that I got out of it”

I was in the kitchen washing dishes and hearing him say this, I asked my son, “Mijo, how do you feel knowing that your dad has had two previous marriages?” My hubby adds, “Yeah, mijo, what do you think about that, knowing that I was married to other women before your mother?”

My son turns to him and says, “I think they got off easy!”

Friday, September 15, 2006

CPR anyone...?

Posted by PicasaYesterday, my job offered a CPR training course, which I attended. And this year was a little bit different. For starters, there was less to remember (2 breaths and 30 compressions). Simple, as that! I don’t have to worry about anything else, except keep performing the CPR until paramedics arrive!

The class was approximately three hours long. As we watched a video on how to perform CPR and how use an automated external defibrillator or “AED” (a machine that analyzes the heart's rhythm and, if necessary, instructs the person using the AED to deliver an electrical shock to the victim to regulate his heart), we also got to practice what we learned on a dummy.

Here are the steps:

Step 1: Make sure the area is clear of any danger (you don’t want to be a victim yourself, i.e. getting hit by a car on the street)

Step 2: If the person looks unconscious, tap the person on the shoulders and try to get a reaction from him/her while asking, “Are you o.k.?” If no response, go to step 3.

Step 3: If you are alone, immediately call 911; get and/or yell for help; if there are people around, have them call 911 (and get the AED if one is available).

Step 4: While victim is lying on the floor, open the airway and check for normal breathing. You do so by tilting the head back, raise the chin up with two fingers. If not breathing, give two breaths (check for chest rising as you do so). Open his shirt to expose his chest. Place the palm of your hand on the chest (between the nipples) and set the other hand over it and begin with compressions. Give cycles of 30 compressions (count out loud so you don’t lose track or skip a beat) and 2 breaths. (Thing to remember…once you begin this process, you must continue to do so until AED or EMS rescuers arrive).

Step 5: Repeat Step 4 until someone brings out the AED, or someone can relieve you (who knows how to perform CPR) and/or when paramedics arrive (leave it to them to handle the rest).

After learning how to give CPR, the instructor showed us how to use the AED machine. It came with a pack that included a mouthpiece (to give CPR so you don’t have to do it directly on the person’s mouth), scissors (to cut out any clothing to expose the chest), an extra battery for the AED (in case batteries are low) and a razor. A razor? Yes, a razor! One is necessary in case the patches won’t stick due to a very hairy chest. So I raised my hand and asked, “Do you have to apply shaving cream or something?” Everyone laughs. The instructor responds, “No. Just shave enough on the chest area where you will be placing the patches until they stick.” Sounds simple enough!

The AED machine had two buttons, the “On” button and the “Shock” button. The only thing you have to remember is to turn it on. Once you do so, the AED uses voice prompts to instruct the rescuer. Easy right?

We again continued to practice what we learned on the dummy. I immediately took the pads out from the AED, and was about to place them on its chest, when I realized I had forgotten to turn on the machine. Oops!

Once it was on, I listened for instructions and tried to follow them. I managed to place the pads (directions shown on pads -- one on the right side of the chest and the other on the left side below the breast) and again waited for further instructions. When the machine finished analyzing the heart, it instructed me to press the button to give the person a shock, (which you're suppose to say “clear” before pressing the shock button so you don’t end up shocking someone who might be touching the victim and, of course, I went straight for the button and forgot to do so). There went my grade!

After performing the “shock”, the machine instructions were to start giving the person compressions (to which I went straight for the dummy’s mouth to perform CPR). The instructor yells out, “Compressions!”. Oops! Sorry! I started doing the compression and the instructor tells me, “Count out loud!” “One, two, three…” After the 30 compressions, I was sweating! That was exhausting! I can’t imagine doing that a few more times. It’s a lot of work!

We went over what we learned a few more times and had a question and answer session. The shaving of the chest was brought up again to which the instructor comments, “And no….you don’t have to oil him up” and one of my co-workers adds, “Yeah, bring out the shaving cream!” Everyone laughs. The instructor also says, “And remember after the AED gives the shock, it instructs you do to what?” “Compressions!” Everyone responds simultaneously as they turn to look at me!

After work I told my hubby of my experience and as I finished relaying my story, he had a smirk on his face and says, "Sounds to me like you wanted to give him a clean shave before you blew...his lungs out!" ; )

Thursday, September 14, 2006

things a mother won't (will) do... Part II

A few days ago, my son lost one of his molars.   Even though he’s getting a little older, we continue to talk about the tooth fairy.  My son claims, he “does not believe in the tooth fairy”, but the next morning, I caught him checking under his pillow to see if he had gotten anything from the fairy.  So much for not “believing’.  As I began to reminisce, it put a smile on my face.  My son’s still a little boy at heart (he’s growing up so fast and soon all this would be just a memory).

When I finally snapped out of my thoughts, I soon realized I had completely forgotten about leaving something under his pillow!  How could I have forgotten?  There goes another check mark on my report card for “bad parent.”    

The next evening, I was already in bed sleeping when suddenly my eyes opened and I remembered!  Ahhh!  I forgot again!   I quickly got out of bed and went to go check on him.  He was sound asleep.  I slowly felt under his pillow (trying not to wake him) and found the tooth.   Oh no… my purse is downstairs!  It’ dark downstairs and I’m too lazy and tired to go down for it.

As I turned toward the door, I saw my son’s wallet on the bookshelf.  It gave me an idea?  I turned to my son who was still sleeping.  And like a burglar at night, I quietly picked up the wallet and searched for money.  There was a folded five-dollar bill inside.  I’m standing there in the middle of the night wondering, “What the hell am I doing?”  For a split second, I felt guilty.  “How could I be doing this?”  “Just go downstairs and get your purse”, I thought to myself.  But sleepiness and being scared of the dark took over the better part of me… so I took the money.  

I quietly went over to my son’s pillow, set the money under it and quietly left the room trying not to make too much noise as the wood floor kept creaking with every step. I deserve an award for “bad mother of year!”  

The next morning, my son was happy to find $5 under his pillow for his tooth.  Wow!  He was really excited.  (But no, he doesn’t believe in the tooth fairy.)  My hubby turns to me and mouths, “Five dollars?!”  I smiled,  “Long story.”  

“I’m glad you remembered, ‘cause I had forgotten,” he says.  “So did I,” I said.  I told him what I did last night and he shook his head.  “Did you remember to replace his money?”   I went and got my purse and realized I did not have a five-dollar bill.  “Honey, do you have a five on you?”  

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

things a mother won't (will) do... (Part I)

For my son's birthday, he got a turtle from one of his friends. Oh yeah, just what we need another animal (reptile) in the house!

I was not too happy about it. But what could I do. It was a gift.

My son made a home for the turtle in an empty fish tank that was in our basement. Unfortunately, after a while, the tank was stinking up the whole place. Ugh!!! It was disgusting!

My hubby and I convinced my son to make a home for the turtle outside in the back yard. Hey, now it can keep our rabbit company and play races with it! ha!

Anyway... about a week ago, my hubby had some free time (which is rare these days) so he began cleaning out the yard. (Finally!) As he's cleaning and clearing things out, he decides to make a little pond for the turtle near a corner of the yard next to the tree. He placed rocks around the pond and put the turtle in the water. The turtle appeared to be enjoying his new home... so we thought.

My hubby and I began talking and all the while keeping in eye on the turtle. My hubby said, "Look! The turtle is coming out of the pond!" "Let's see what he does." We kept watching it, but the turtle just sat still on a rock.

We continued to chat for another five minutes and when my hubby turned to check on the turtle, it was gone! He went over to the pond to see if it went back in the water but it was not there either! "O.k. where did it go?" "It couldn't have gone that far... it's a turtle for crying out loud!" I exclaimed.

I joined him in his search for the turtle. And, I'm sorry to say, the turtle was no where to be found! We checked our neighbor's yard to see if somehow he managed to get out through the shadow box fence. (Could it possibly have been able to squeeze itself through... on its side?)

We looked through every crack, hole and area where the turtle might be hiding...and still nothing! WTF!!! "How are we going to explain this to our son?" I asked.

After spending about 45 miutes looking for it, my hubby and I sat there in amazement and wondered how was it possible that it took off so quickly. Where did it go? Where is it hiding? We were keeping an eye on it! We've already disappointed my son for not taking him camping for his birthday. And now this! What are we going to tell him?

I just can't bear it if we disappoint him once again. Especially when he finds out that it was our fault his pet turtle has disappeared. "My son, guess what? We've lost your turtle!" No, I just couldn't do that to him! My hubby and I talked it over and finally came to a conclusion. We decided to do what's right (or wrong, as this case may be). Um.... we decided not to tell him.

"Let's see how soon he will notice that his turtle is gone," my hubby says to me. Man, he's going to be upset! Does this make us bad parents?

These few days, I noticed my son going to the back yard and doing "stuff". I even asked him once, "Have you fed the turtle?" He mumbled something that I couldn't make out and continued on doing whatever he was doing. To this day, he still hasn't mentioned his turtle to us. I have a feeling he's not telling us for fear that we are going to yell at him for "not taking care of it"!

Hmmm...Let's see who will crack first!

BTW... did I mentioned that he had to create an "All about me" poster for school and he included his "pet" turtle in the poster! Man... were going to hell!

If you ever read this my son, just know that I LOVE YOU! And we're SORRY!Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 10, 2006

You didn't learn that from me...!

My daughter was having an argument with my son and out of her mouth came out “butt hole”. I turned to her and said, “I don’t ever want to hear you saying that again!”

I then turned to my hubby and said:

Me: “Did you hear what your daughter said? She said “butt hole”!

Hubby: “She must've learned that from her mother.”

Me: “Me!”

Hubby: “Yeah, because I would have said “asshole!”

Thursday, September 07, 2006

belly ring

When I got home from work the other day, my daughter gets up from the couch, grabs me by the arm and pulls me towards the back of the kitchen. She had a look on her face that suggested she was about to tell me something very important. By the scared look in her eye, I could tell she just didn’t know how to bring herself to say it.

She finally says to me in a low voice, “Mom, I don’t know how to say this… I didn’t really want to but AC said I should do it since another girl my age was getting it too.”

I’m looking at her and a million thoughts are running through my head… “What are you talking about?” I asked. She says, “Mom” as she slowly lifts her shirt up and exposes her pierced belly button, “Please don’t tell dad!”

My jaw almost fell to the ground. “What?!” “What did you do?!!!”

“I’m sorry mom, AC said it was o.k.”

AC? Ah, oh… arg! I almost screamed!

“Where’s your dad?!” “Dad is in the study, but please don’t tell him!” She’s begging me not to say anything to her dad. "Please...", she implores.

I’m trying to figure out how to deal with this situation. She’s 13!!!

And at the same time, my mind is going over a millions and one ways as to how I’m going to kill my sister!!!!

As I stared at her newly pierced belly button, I noticed it was a little pink around the edges. I asked her, “Do you even know how to take care of it?” “It looks red!” “What if you get an infection?”

I soon heard my hubby call me into the study. “Babe is that you?”

Ugh! I walked over to the study and opened the door. I took a deep breath to try and calm my nerves.

“How was work?” He asked. “Fine.” I replied with no emotion.

I could tell he knew something was up or at least something was on my mind (I’m not very good about hiding my emotions). “What’s wrong?” He asks.

“Oh, I’m just tired.” I replied as sat on a chair and began to yawn.

“What’s the matter with our daughter, she looks like she’s up to something?”

I don’t know, I just got home!” I almost yelled out, “Why don’t you ask her?!” But instead I said, “She’s in the living room watching TV.”

We talked briefly for a few moments and I went back to the living room to have a talk with my daughter. I will have to deal with my sister later.

I found my daughter sitting on the couch and laughing uncontrollably.

“You think this is funny!”

“Mom…((giggles))... mom…((more giggles))

I was ready to smack her.

“Mom… look.” She pulls out the ring from her belly.

“What the…!?” It’s fake!!!!

“Ooh, you little…!“

“I got it from one of the quarter machines…!”

My hubby and my son come out to the living room. They were all in on it!!! AND they were all laughing at me!!!

Ha... ha...ha.

Now its time for me to figure out a way to get back at them for pulling this prank on me!

Posted by Picasa Maybe I should get one myself. What do you think?

Friday, September 01, 2006

Happy birthday Beebo...!

My son.... dressed, ready for school and eating his breakfast.

Today is his 11th birthday!

Happy birthday my son!

Love you,

Mom Posted by Picasa

America, the beautiful...

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