Wednesday, September 13, 2006

things a mother won't (will) do... (Part I)

For my son's birthday, he got a turtle from one of his friends. Oh yeah, just what we need another animal (reptile) in the house!

I was not too happy about it. But what could I do. It was a gift.

My son made a home for the turtle in an empty fish tank that was in our basement. Unfortunately, after a while, the tank was stinking up the whole place. Ugh!!! It was disgusting!

My hubby and I convinced my son to make a home for the turtle outside in the back yard. Hey, now it can keep our rabbit company and play races with it! ha!

Anyway... about a week ago, my hubby had some free time (which is rare these days) so he began cleaning out the yard. (Finally!) As he's cleaning and clearing things out, he decides to make a little pond for the turtle near a corner of the yard next to the tree. He placed rocks around the pond and put the turtle in the water. The turtle appeared to be enjoying his new home... so we thought.

My hubby and I began talking and all the while keeping in eye on the turtle. My hubby said, "Look! The turtle is coming out of the pond!" "Let's see what he does." We kept watching it, but the turtle just sat still on a rock.

We continued to chat for another five minutes and when my hubby turned to check on the turtle, it was gone! He went over to the pond to see if it went back in the water but it was not there either! "O.k. where did it go?" "It couldn't have gone that far... it's a turtle for crying out loud!" I exclaimed.

I joined him in his search for the turtle. And, I'm sorry to say, the turtle was no where to be found! We checked our neighbor's yard to see if somehow he managed to get out through the shadow box fence. (Could it possibly have been able to squeeze itself through... on its side?)

We looked through every crack, hole and area where the turtle might be hiding...and still nothing! WTF!!! "How are we going to explain this to our son?" I asked.

After spending about 45 miutes looking for it, my hubby and I sat there in amazement and wondered how was it possible that it took off so quickly. Where did it go? Where is it hiding? We were keeping an eye on it! We've already disappointed my son for not taking him camping for his birthday. And now this! What are we going to tell him?

I just can't bear it if we disappoint him once again. Especially when he finds out that it was our fault his pet turtle has disappeared. "My son, guess what? We've lost your turtle!" No, I just couldn't do that to him! My hubby and I talked it over and finally came to a conclusion. We decided to do what's right (or wrong, as this case may be). Um.... we decided not to tell him.

"Let's see how soon he will notice that his turtle is gone," my hubby says to me. Man, he's going to be upset! Does this make us bad parents?

These few days, I noticed my son going to the back yard and doing "stuff". I even asked him once, "Have you fed the turtle?" He mumbled something that I couldn't make out and continued on doing whatever he was doing. To this day, he still hasn't mentioned his turtle to us. I have a feeling he's not telling us for fear that we are going to yell at him for "not taking care of it"!

Hmmm...Let's see who will crack first!

BTW... did I mentioned that he had to create an "All about me" poster for school and he included his "pet" turtle in the poster! Man... were going to hell!

If you ever read this my son, just know that I LOVE YOU! And we're SORRY!Posted by Picasa

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