Tuesday, January 09, 2007

snow cacti

"Gris!", my husband yells out. "Kristy called and said to look out the window, it's snowing!" "Do I have to get up." I moaned, as it was early in the morning and we were still in bed. (I really didn't want to see snow... what I wanted to see was the sun!!!)
Beebo immediately gets up and rushes to the window. And to his disappointment says, "Ah, that's nothing!"
I got up to look out the window and there were several patches of snow on the ground and a few flakes were falling.
As we were eating breakfast, I glanced towards the window and realized I couldn't see out the window anymore. I assumed because it was cold outside. I opened the door and I freaked! I yelled out "Holy cow!" "It's really snowing!"
I've never seen so much snow in Las Cruces! If it wasn't for the cacti, I could have sworn we were in Chicago.

1 comment:

Kristal said...

Our first big snow in ages... you brought good luck!