Friday, April 28, 2006

bring your child to work day...

Yesterday, was an exciting day for the kids. It was "Bring your child to work day." The office has hosted this event for several years now in which the kids get to spend the day with you at the office.

Boring... you might think. But they actually have various fun activities for the kids to do. And every year it's a different theme. This year's theme was the BM express.

The morning started with breakfast and introduction. The kids got their name tags and little caps. Afterwards, they got to go around to each floor in which they represented different countries.

Our floor represented China. And one of the games played was "Pin the tail on China". My son was blindfolded and had to pin his sticker where he thought China might be located on the map. He began taking his sweet time and I said to him, "You have to hurry, there's other kids waiting in line." He finally pins the tail and ended up in Russia. When he removed the blindfold and saw where he put the sticker, he says to me, "Mom, I pinned it on Russia because you rusha me...!

The kids all got candies, goodies and prizes, including a t-shirt. At the end of this event, the kids got to create their own art work and were also provided with lunch.

The kids and the people from the office who participated had a great time and are always looking forward to upcoming year. In fact, they make it so much fun, that kids actually think going to work is nothing but fun and games!

Ha! If they only knew....! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Kristal said...

You mean... it isn't? Looks like fun to me!