Tuesday, November 08, 2005


My kids got their report cards yesterday.  My son got A’s and a couple of B’s.  And my daughter got A, B’s and a few C’s.  I believe they did pretty good right?  I think so.

Homework assignments do count as major part of their grade so the B’s my son got were due to late assignments (points were taken off).   We have already discussed this little problem with him and he continues to have at least one assignment late or missing.  I know he completes the assignment because I check it every night and I see him putting it away in his folder.  But once he gets to school, I don’t know what he does with it, he never seems to find it!

I am concerned for my daughter too.  She was having a hard time last year and she did not do too well in her last report card.  But this quarter, according to her grades, she got A in Art, Computer, Spanish and PE; B- in SS and B in Music.  She got C’s in Religion, Math and Science and a C- in English.   So she’s come along way from last year.  I’m proud of her because I know she’s been trying hard.  We also have a friend whose tutoring her and that has helped her improve her grades.  

Today, she showed us her math test that she took last week.  She got an F!   That’s not the only F she’s gotten this quarter.  I don’t know what to do.  She takes good notes, writes them down again and she studies every night.  And yet when she takes a test, she still has trouble.  Tomorrow I have to go to the parent/teacher conference.     Let’s see how it goes…

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