Sunday, October 23, 2005

Pop quiz...

This morning I was helping my daughter study for her vocabulary test.

These vocabulary words contained the words “ben”, “bene”, “bon”, “mal” and “male”, which words my daughter calls “the good and bad words”.

Here are a few words from her list:

“benevolent” kind; good-hearted; [Good she got that one right]

“malevolenta word that describes a person or character who wishes bad things would happen to others; [o.k. keep going]

“benignfavorable; having a good effect; not harmful; [great]

“malignantharmful; something bad enough that it could result in death when related to cancer; [she’s getting it…!]

And the final word is “benediction”. My daughter thinks about it for a moment then says:

“benediction: an addiction to something good.”

There ya go, now you have it!

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