Thursday, December 08, 2005

winter wonderland...

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…! Christmas trees and Christmas lights…and
when I got off of work today, it started snowing. By the time I got to the school to pick up the kids, it was like a blizzard! I mean that snow was coming down. Everything was covered in a blanket of white snow. It actually looked beautiful. The first fallen snow always does.

Everything has been moving slow, including traffic. What would take us 10 minutes became 20 to 30. So of course, my son did not make it to his band recital. I feel bad for him but, honestly, he missed the last few practices and yesterday’s rehearsal so he might as well miss the recital too. Oh, well, he has a good excuse.

I looked out the window and it’s still snowing! Let’s see how much snow actually comes down. There will be a lot of snow shoveling and stuck cars tomorrow, that’s for sure!

At least it’s not as cold as yesterday. Oh, and by the way, today I got my gas bill…it came out to a whopping $489!!!!! I almost fell of my chair!

I may have to lower the heat to 50 or 60 degrees and wear coats inside the house! Geeze! And we’re barely in the beginning of December. Winter here does not end until March! Yikes!!!! What am I going to do?!!!

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