Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Don't worry be happy...!

As I was waiting in the car for my son to come out from band practice, I saw the school’s principal. She started coming towards me. As I rolled down my window, she said hello and asked me if I had gotten a call from Ms. D. (the person handling the school’s invoices). Shit!

I tried to smile and told her if there was a message, I haven’t gotten it since I haven’t been home yet. But I knew exactly what she was referring to. Yes, I’m a couple months behind on the school payments. This sucks! It was so embarrassing! Here we are, (I work for a large firm and my husband has his own practice) and we’re behind in our payments. How did that happen?

My husband has been off for a couple of months, maybe more, giving back to the community. He’s always doing something to help others. But in the meantime, here we are falling behind. I don’t want to go into detail because it gets me upset. If I tell you why, then it makes me a selfish B-I-T-C-H!

Although here’s a quote that comes to mind. I heard it from a movie (I can’t remember which one since I only saw the end of it but I did write it down):

“If a problem can be solved, then why be unhappy? If a problem cannot be solved then what’s the use of being unhappy?”

I guess I really need to look into this…

Sorry, I’m just suffering from a bad case of PMS.

1 comment:

Kristal said...

How embarrassing. :-(