Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Friday, December 01, 2006

first snow...

This morning we woke up to the first day of snow.
The kids did not go to school. It was closed due to the weather. And of course, they couldn't hide their excitement about getting a snow day and be able to stay home. All I heard from them, as they were jumping for joy, was a big "Yes!" "Whoo hoo!" "No school!"
I, on the other hand, had to go to work. On the way there, I kept wishing I would have called in sick. After all, I had a good excuse...I am sick! But I knew I had to go. My boss gave me a big hint the other day about not missing work before I take my holiday time off.
So sick and all, I forced myself to go to work. Thank GOD it's only for a few hours and TGIF!!!